How healthy are your nails?
1. Are your nails dry & brittle?
Nails are made up of layers of Keratin, which Inacril promotes the growth of to increase strength. Dry nails and nails that break easily can be a sign of a lack of moisture. Avoiding frequent application of acetone may help maintain nail strength and it is best to avoid exposure to chemicals or repeated washing of hands when possible.
In some cases brittle nails can be a result of an iron deficiency or other external factors. Always consult with your doctor if you are concerned about your health.
2. Are your nails soft or weak?
Soft or weak nails bend easily or break off frequently. This may be due to an over exposure to moisture or repeated use of chemicals. If you frequently use fake nails this can also damage nail beds. Incorrect removal of acrylics, too many harsh chemicals or over filing of the nail bed are all damaging to the overall nail health. A lack of nutrition in the diet can be the cause of weak nails in some cases where a lack of vitamins or fatty acids result in breakage.
3. Are your cuticles smooth or cracked & over trimmed?
Cuticles are often trimmed when getting a manicure/acrylics, which if done too frequently makes it easier for bacteria to get in and cause an infection. Cuticles are there as a barrier to protect new nails growing from the nail bed.
Healthy cuticles should be a transparent/clear pink-ish colour, smooth and not flaky or dry and cracking. An infected cuticle may be red, inflamed or sore to touch. Inacril is designed to moisturise and help revitalise dry or damaged cuticles.
UV light ages and damages skin. Repeated use of UV light to set nails can have an effect on the health of your cuticles, the surrounding skin and accelerates photo-ageing. Inacril has specific ingredients to protect and rejuvenate skin and nails from the damaging effects of UV light.
4. Do your nails have ridges?
Just as our skin ages, so do our nails and ridges on nails are often a sign of aging. Buffing out ridges isn't highly recommended as it can result in thinning and damaging the nail plate.
The other cause of ridges, in more serious cases, can include health problems such as anaemia. Horizontal ridges known as Beau’s lines can be due to an injury to the nail, infection or again, an underlying health issue like diabetes. It is always best to consult your doctor if you are concerned about any issues.
5. Are your nails discoloured?
White spots appearing on the nails are called Leukonychia, which can originate in the nail bed itself or during the production of the nail. A common cause of white spots is a deficiency of minerals such as zinc or calcium. There are other causes as well such as fungi or an allergic reaction. If you are ever overly concerned about them it is always best to speak to a doctor.
Black spots on the nail can be a result of trauma or injury to the nail such as slamming it in a door or hitting it with a hammer. These should go away with time as your nail grows.
Discoloration or yellow can be due to a number of reasons. Frequent use of nail polish and acetone based nail polish removers can cause staining. It could also be due to a fungal infection or again can be an indicator of overall health. It is always best to let the nail grow out naturally and use products like Inacril to help heal and rejuvenate the nail.